Door Stewards Registration Sub-committee - 24/08/2005
Lord Provost John R LETFORD
Bailie John CORRIGAN
Councillor Rod WALLACE
Lord Provost LETFORD, Chairman, in the Chair.
There was submitted an application by Mr NB for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter which had been submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having noted that the applicant was not present, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr EB for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter which had been submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having heard from the applicant on his own behalf, the Sub-Committee agreed to grant the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr RB for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter which had been submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having noted that the applicant was not present, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr GC for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having heard from the applicant on his own behalf, the Sub-Committee agreed to grant the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr EF for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having heard from the applicant, on his own behalf, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr JH for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having noted that the applicant was not present, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr JK for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having noted that the applicant was not present, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse the application.
There was submitted an application by Mr DMcG for provisional registration as a door steward.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to this application.
Thereafter, having noted that the applicant was not present, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse the application.
The Sub-Committee gave consideration to a letter submitted by the Chief Constable relevant to the conduct of Mr CL.
Thereafter, having noted that the licence-holder was not present, the Sub-Committee agreed to revoke the licence.
1. Licensees must ensure that only door stewards registered with Dundee City Licensing Board are employed on the premises.
2. Where in doubt as to a person's age, Licensees must ask for photographic ID and operate a "no proof no sale" policy.
3. Licensees must not encourage binge drinking via the use of "Happy Hours" on their licensed premises. This will also extend to "all in" promotions whereby unlimited amounts of alcohol may be obtained upon payment of a fixed price or entrance fee. Licensees must not encourage "doubling up" or "upselling" where customers are encouraged to drink more for a cheaper unit price. Licensees must not effect reduced prices via "two for one" or "buy one get one free" or other similar types of promotions including large discounts on multiple measures.
4. Licensees must avoid the use of advertising campaigns designed specifically to entice younger patrons to the licensed premises by virtue of promotions for the sale of alcoholic liquor at discounted prices. Licensees must avoid the use of advertising campaigns designed specifically to entice patrons to the licensed premises by virtue of promotions for the sale of alcoholic liquor. Licensees are encouraged to promote their premises with adverts detailing more than simply drinks prices.
5. Maximum occupant capacities of a venue, as advised by the Clerk to the Licensing Board, must not be exceeded.
6. There must be no touting by or on behalf of entertainment licence holders by whatever means (excluding within their own premises) within the areas from time to time designated by the Board. Without prejudice to the foregoing generality, there shall be no tickets, leaflets, flyers, vouchers or similar items issued to prospective patrons within these areas for the purpose of advertising, or otherwise obtaining custom for, particular entertainment-licensed premises.
7. Licence holders shall not, either themselves or by ay employee or agent, attract custom by the use of illegal fly-posting.
8. Licensees must undertake training in accordance with the Licensing Board's current requirements.
9. Licensees must ensure that all front line members of staff such as bar staff are adequately trained in server intervention in order to ensure that patrons are not supplied with alcohol liquor when they appear to be intoxicated.
10. Licensees must not promote irresponsible attractions or games where patrons are rewarded with alcohol rather than other prizes or cash. Licensees should not offer alcohol as a quiz prize unless the alcohol is in a sealed container for consumption off the premises or promote any "drinking games", which encourages patrons to drink large amounts of alcohol in a single session.
11. Licensees must dispose of the waste from the premises in a responsible manner and submit details of their licensed waste disposal contractor to the Clerk when so required.
12. Licensees should join the DUNCAN. scheme
13. Licensees should use toughened glass products where available.
14. Licensees should participate in designated driver schemes where drivers will be supplied with soft drinks free of charge.
15. Where available, licensees should join Pubwatch Schemes.
16. Licensees should display the Ten Point Plan - "behave or be banned" on their premises.
17. A price list must be displayed in a prominent position at or near every bar.
18. Licensees should display their current Public Liability Insurance Policy.
19. Licensees must advise the Board at least 14 days prior to any proposed entertainment taking place for which there may be health and safety implications eg bucking bronco, gladiator duel, foam parties, spray tattooing, etc.