Planning Committee (including Former Development Management And Development Quality) - 25/03/2002
At a MEETING of the DEVELOPMENT QUALITY COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 25th March, 2002.
Lord Provost John R LETFORD |
Willie W SAWERS |
George de GERNIER |
Neil GLEN |
Helen WRIGHT |
Roderick A J WALLACE |
Elizabeth F FORDYCE |
Betty WARD |
Kenneth J N GUILD |
Fiona M GRANT |
Derek J SCOTT |
Mervyn J ROLFE |
David BOWES |
Bruce D MACKIE |
Richard BEATTIE |
Councillor GRANT, Convener, in the Chair.
The minute of meeting of this Committee of 25th February, 2002 was held as read.
Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.
There was submitted Report No 128-2002 by the Director of Planning and Transportation seeking the Committee's approval to participate in the Scottish Type Approval Scheme.
The Committee agreed to note the dissolution of the Scottish Building Control Organisation (SBCO) and approve participation in the Scottish Type Approval Scheme under the remit of the Scottish Association of Chief Building Control Officers (SACBCO), including payment of annual charges.
(a) 02-00023-FUL - Land to South of Nursing Home, Ballumbie Road - Commercial Food Retail Outlet for D J Laing Homes Ltd
The Committee acceded to a request which had been received for a deputation to address the Committee on behalf of objectors to the application. After the deputation had stated its case and answered questions from members of the Committee, it was thanked for its attendance and withdrew.
Thereafter, after considering objections received, Councillor Sawers, seconded by the Convener, moved refusal of the application on the grounds that:-
(i) the proposed development is considered to be contrary to Housing Policy H1 of the Dundee Local Plan 1998 as it would have a detrimental affect on the environmental quality of residents in the surrounding area by virtue of noise, disturbance, anti-social behaviour, traffic safety and parking problems on Ballumbie Meadows and Ballumbie Road. There are no material considerations that would justify departing from the policies of the development plan in this instance; and
(ii) the proposed development is considered to be contrary to Retailing Policy S19 of the Dundee Local Plan 1998 as it would result in a new shop with a floor area of 440 sq metres. There are no material considerations that would justify departing from the policies of the development plan in this instance.
As an amendment, Councillor Ward, seconded by Councillor Presswood, moved approval of the application, subject to the conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Lord Provost Letford, Councillors de Gernier, Wright, Farquhar, Sturrock, Glen, Barrie, Richard Beattie, Sawers, FitzPatrick, Guild, Dave Beattie, Fordyce, Bowes, Mackie, Wallace, Scott, Macpherson and Borthwick (20); and for the amendment - Councillors Ward and Presswood (2) - Councillor Rolfe being absent when the vote was taken - whereupon the motion was declared carried.
Councillor Powrie declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion thereof.
(b) 01-30427-OUT - Land to the West of Ballumbie Road and North of Berwick Drive - Outline Consent for 113 Dwellinghouses in Phases 4a, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for D J Laing (Homes) Ltd
The Committee approved the application subject to the conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
(c) 02-00062-FUL - 8 South Tay Street - Erection of 1200 mm Satellite Dish for Wave 102 FM
After considering objections received, the Committee approved the application subject to conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
(d) 02-00064-LBC - 8 South Tay Street - Erection of 1200 mm Satellite Dish for Wave 102 FM
After considering objections received, the Committee approved the application subject to conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
(e) 02-00003-FUL - Former Dundee Limb Fitting Centre, 133 Queen Street, Broughty Ferry - Erection of 8 Luxury Apartments, 2 Semi-detached Cottages, Alteration and Extension of Existing Buildings to form 6 Luxury Apartments and 1 Mews House and Construction of 10 Garages and the Formation of Access Roads for Tayfield Investments
After considering representations received, the Committee approved the application subject to conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
(f) Land to the West of Pitkerro Mill, Kellas Road, Broughty Ferry - Erection of 6 Houses with Double Garages for Brown Homes Ltd
It was noted that this application had been deferred for further information.
(g) 01-30487-FUL - Land to East to 1 Claverhouse Old Road - Erection of 2 Detached Houses for Mr J Marr
After considering objections received, the Committee refused the application on the grounds that:-
(i) the proposed development contravenes Policy H10 of the adopted Dundee Local Plan 1998 by reason of the inadequacy of the private garden areas for the houses and there are no material considerations that would justify the development contrary to the Plan;
(ii) the proposed development by reason of its design would detract from the setting of the adjoining listed buildings and the character and appearance of the Trottick Conservation Area contrary to Policy BE11 of the adopted Dundee Local Plan 1998 and the statutory duties set out in Sections 59 and 64 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997.
(h) 01-30424-COU - Land to South of 40 Perrie Street - Change of Use of Yard Area to incorporate Waste Transfer Station for Trojan Metals Ltd
After considering objections received, the Committee approved the application subject to the conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
(i) 38 North Lindsay Street - Conversion of Vacant Warehouse to a Mixed Use Development including Public Houses, Night Club, Restaurant and Offices; Demolition of Metal Clad Warehouse and Outbuildings to Rear of Site; Construction of Single Storey Extension to Rear for Castleview Developments
The Committee deferred consideration of this application in order that it could be considered at the same time as the listed building application in respect of this proposal.
(j) 01-30457-FUL - Claverhouse Telephone Exchange, Longhaugh Road - Installation of 20 Metre High Monopole Supporting 11 Antenna, 2 Equipment Cabins and Ancillary Development for Crown Castle International
Councillor FitzPatrick, seconded by Councillor Sawers, moved refusal of the application on the grounds that the proposed development is considered contrary to Policy 2 of the Council's Non-Statutory Planning Policies in relation to telecommunication masts and apparatus as it would be located within close proximity to a residential area.
The Convener, seconded by Councillor Presswood, moved approval of the application subject to the conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
On a division, there voted for the motion - Councillors de Gernier, Farquhar, Sturrock, Glen, Barrie, Sawers, FitzPatrick, Guild, Dave Beattie, Fordyce, Bowes, Powrie, Wallace, Scott, Macpherson and Borthwick (16); and for the amendment - the Convener, Lord Provost Letford, Councillors Wright, Ward, Presswood, Richard Beattie and Mackie (7) - Councillor Rolfe being absent when the vote was taken - whereupon the motion was declared carried.
(k) 02-00034-COU - 5 Haldane Avenue - Change of Use from Shop to Hot Food Takeaway for A Dodero
The Committee approved the application subject to conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
(l) 01-30379-FUL - 15 Strawberrybank - Proposed Rebuilding of Existing Masonry Boundary Wall to Strawberrybank incorporating New Vehicle Access for Mrs M Barrie
The Committee acceded to a request which had been received for a deputation to address the Committee in support of the application. After the deputation had stated its case and answered questions from members of the Committee, it was thanked for its attendance and withdrew.
Thereafter, the Committee, on the motion of Councillor Powrie, seconded by the Convener, approved the application subject to the conditions that (i) the development hereby permitted shall be commenced within five years from the date of permission; (ii) notwithstanding the docquetted plans, precise details of the materials to be used for the reconstruction of the wall including coping stones shall be agreed in writing to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development; and (iii) notwithstanding the docquetted plans, precise details of the method of pointing, including the type of mortar to be used shall be agreed in writing to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, prior to commencement of development, in order to comply with Section 58 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and in the interests of the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
(m) 01-30505-COU - 2 to 4 Nethergate - Change of Use from Public House to an Extension to existing Restaurant with External Alterations
After considering objections received, the Committee approved the application subject to conditions recommended by the Building Quality Manager.
FIONA GRANT, Convener.