The Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month in Broughty Ferry Library at 7.00pm. Meetings are open to all.
Broughty Ferry in Bloom is very active in the Broughty Ferry area, volunteers are involved in a wide range of projects including gardening projects, litter picks and organising events to engage with a wider audience. The group have also taken responsibility for providing hanging baskets and planters in and around the centre of Broughty Ferry and work with local schools, nurseries, churches and traders on their projects.
Projects the group are involved in this year include:
- Snowdrop In Coffee Morning
- Floral boat on Fisher Street
- Broughty Ferry planters and hanging baskets
- Supporting Take Pride in Your City
- Supporting Clean Up Scotland
- Promoting the Green Dog Walkers Scheme
- Secret Garden Trail
- Broughty Ferry Garden Competition
Broughty Ferry in Bloom now meet informally every Tuesday morning between 10.00am and 12.00pm at Duntrune Community Garden to work on seasonal tasks such as potting up their plants. Tea and coffee are at 11am. All are welcome to join them at these sessions and help them in the polytunnel.
Contact Details
Tel: 01382 433141
To find out more about the groups activities, follow them on Facebook @Broughty-Ferry-in-Bloom