This funding is available on a Ward by Ward basis for projects that aim to reduce deprivation and provide additional opportunities to close the gap for those living in our Community Regeneration Areas (incorporating places in the 15% most deprived data zones in Scotland).
Applications fall into three types;
- Youth Inclusion. Focussing on work with children & young people, and providing activities and opportunities for them
- Physical & Environmental Improvements. Used to make improvements to buildings, playparks, green spaces, etc. These awards have a minimum spend of £6k. Please note applications for Physical & Environmental Improvements are currently closed, likely to reopen in late Summer 2024
- Small Grants. A catch-all category for smaller applications, up to £5k (though some Wards impose a lower limit – ask your local Community Worker)
Applications are assessed and awarded on a monthly basis, with a turnaround of approximately 8 weeks from application to award.
In the six Wards with Community Regeneration Areas (CRAs), recommendations on funding are made by a Forum of elected local residents. In the West End and The Ferry, the Local Community Planning Partnership makes these. The application form for CRAs can be found here. Those seeking funding in The Ferry or West End should contact the local Communities Officer in the first instance, and the application form for these Wards can be found here. The associated data privacy statement for applicants is here.
For a look at what sort of projects and organisations have received awards use the links:
2020-21 Awards - 2021-22 Awards. For more recent information please contact