If you consider that a development has been carried out without the necessary permission and/or the failure of applicants to abide by the conditions attached to planning decisions you must contact us by email or in writing. The name of the complainant will be kept confidential and we will investigate the development and seek to resolve any breaches of planning control that may have occurred.
We can decide to take formal action where a satisfactory outcome cannot be achieved by negotiation. However, enforcement is a discretionary power. That means that, even where there is a breach of planning control, the Council has to consider if it is in the public interest to take enforcement action.
The Council is not required to take any particular action on a specific breach of planning control, and indeed can decide that no action is necessary. We will carry out the enforcement function in accordance with our Planning Enforcement Charter (8482KB PDF)
The Council maintains registers of all statutory notices served in relation to planning, listed buildings, advertisements, building preservation and high hedges. The registers can be viewed by clicking on the following links:
The Enforcement Officers can be contacted at planningenforcement@dundeecity.gov.uk or by writing to: Planning Enforcement, City Development Department, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS.