We have a pre-application advice service. Use this service only if you know you need planning permission and you want to find out whether it is likely to be supported. Do not use this service to find out whether or not you need planning permission for your development. For advice on that, please visit our webpage: Do I Need Planning Permission
General enquiries may be dealt with by contacting the Duty Planning Officer by email to planning@dundeecity.gov.uk.
Getting advice before your application is made will mean you:
- Can understand how our planning policies and specialist areas of advice such as design, conservation, highway safety, and trees will be applied to your development before you spend too much time and money on what you want to do
- Can identify potential problems early on and find solutions
- Get advice about how to improve your proposal
- Can avoid making an application, in some instances, where there is no likelihood of getting planning permission.
Before you use the pre-application advice service
Our website contains lots of planning information and we encourage you to look at this before you consider using the pre-application advice service as you may find that you do not need any formal advice from us.
How to request pre-application advice
This is a chargeable service and the requisite fee must be paid in advance. All pre-application enquiries must be submitted through the website via the link below. A meeting, if required in addition to a written response, will be offered at the sole discretion and decision of Dundee City Council.
When asking for our advice the more information you give us about what you want to do, the more valuable and precise our advice will be. You can upload documents via the request webpage.
We will always need the following information to provide you advice:
- A clear address for the site.
- A brief description of what you want to do, for example a “single storey rear extension”.
- A location plan or map with your site clearly outlined.
- Plans of what you want to do, drawn to a metric scale. Where relevant these should include elevations and floor plans.
- A fee for providing you with written advice.
To get the best out of the service you can also send us:
- A scaled plan showing where your proposal would be on the site.
- A statement containing more details of your proposal.
- Photographs showing the key features of the site with the directions shown on the plan above.
Note: that pre-application advice requests and the advice we provide may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 or Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004. If you want your request to be confidential please tell us in writing, providing the reasons, at the time of your request. We will not respond at the time of your request but will take it into account when deciding whether to release information.
What we will provide
This service will provide you with the following:
- A single written response produced within 21 working days for householder advice and 25 working days for all other requests. Any further requests will incur an additional charge.
- An indication of whether the detail of your proposal is likely to be contrary to the policies of the Development Plan.
- Identification of possible constraints – for example, Conservation Area or Tree Preservation Order.
- Advice on design if relevant and necessary.
- Details of matters raised by internal consultees (other teams within Dundee City Council), and if not possible, contact details for the relevant officer(s).
- Identification of other organisations that will be asked to comment on your application.
- Details of the information you need to submit with your application.
- Details of the likely level of developer contributions.
What will not be provided?
This service will not provide you with:
- Advice, guidance or consultation responses from external consultees (e.g. Historic Environment Scotland, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, Transport Scotland).
- Advice on alternative uses of land or buildings (e.g. responding to questions such as “what can I develop on this site?”)
- Confirmation that a planning application will or will not be approved.
If you are unsure whether you require planning permission, please refer to Do I Need Planning Permission.
Payment is made online via the website. Your enquiry will not be processed until payment has been received.
Application Level | Householder | Local (Non-Householder) | Major |
| | | |
Brownfield Land Written Pre-application Response | £50 ex.VAT | ½ planning application fee. Max £750 ex. VAT | ½ planning application fee. Max £1500 ex. VAT |
Greenfield Land Written Pre-application Response | £50 ex.VAT | ½ planning application fee. Max £1250 ex. VAT | ½ planning application fee. Max £1500 ex. VAT (a compliant use on an allocated LDP site) Max £2000 ex. VAT (non-compliant use or non-allocated site) |
Exemptions - the fee will be waived in the following circumstances: | - Proposals solely for Use Classes 4 (Business), 5 (General Industry) and 6 (Storage and Distribution) on land which is allocated as being within an Economic Development Area as defined by the Dundee Local Development Plan 201 9.
- Proposals solely within the City Centre as defined by the Dundee Local Development Plan 201 9.
- Enquiries submitted by Community Councils/Neighbourhood Representative Structures or a registered charity.
- Enquiries relating to works solely to improve access, safety, health or comfort of a disabled person in their home.
Information on fees for all types of application are available at the eplanning.scot fee calculator
Householder: These are defined as those within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse which require an application for planning permission and are not a change of use.
Local (Non-Householder) and Major: These developments are those defined in The Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Development) (Scotland) Regulations 2009
Brownfield Sites: Sites that have previously been developed or used for some purpose that has ceased. They may encompass re-use of existing buildings by conversion; demolition and new build; clearance of vacant or derelict land and new build; infill and various other forms of intensification. They exclude private and public gardens; sports and recreation grounds, woodlands and amenity open space, other than open space that has been temporarily created on housing demolition sites in anticipation of development.
Greenfield Sites: Sites which have never been previously developed or used for an urban use, or are on land that has been brought into active or beneficial use for agriculture or forestry i.e. fully restored derelict land, but excluding open space that has been temporarily created on housing demolition sites in anticipation of development.
LDP Compliant or Allocated Sites: Sites where the proposed use or development is in compliance with the designations or allocations in the Dundee Local Development Plan 2019 and Proposals Map i.e. in Appendix 3 allocated housing site, Economic Development Areas, Commercial Centres, District Centre.
Make a Pre-Application Request